Pertamina’s Contribution in Electric Vehicle Development to Accelerate the Transition of Renewable Energy in the Accommodation and Transportation Sector (Analysis Section from Industrial Case Pertamina)
I Putu Fadya Rachmawan
Pertamina is a state-owned company that has an important role in advancing government programs in the context of the transition to renewable energy which is targeted to reach 23% by 2025. In the aspect of transportation and accommodation, Pertamina and PLN have a project in the development of SPKLU (Stasiun Pengisian Kendaraan Listrik Umum) which is where the SPKLU program has a long-term prospect if it’s associated with a long-project plan between Tesla, Inc and the Indonesian Government in 2021 (Kurniawan et al., 2020) In addition to, the emergence of Tesla in Indonesia will increasingly attract the public’s interest to transition from using solar or diesel vehicles to the electric vehicle. Of course, this will be a great opportunity for Pertamina to build new business land in the resource sector and Electric Vehicle Battery (EVB).
STEP-I Solution
This prospect is certainly exploited by Pertamina, which has a joint partnership plan with PLN as an effort to exploit this ‘great’ opportunity in purpose to monopolize the battery sector market of the EV (Umah, 2020). Therefore, the authors suggest several strategic steps in the effort to maximize this potential opportunity so that the business opportunities and profits are right on target and able to accelerate or become a catalyst in the transition project towards renewable energy or what is called “Pertamina’s NRE Development Project”. These are the strategic steps outlined in 4 specific points in Figure 1. as follows :
a. Strengthening
cooperation through joint partnerships with state-owned companies and initiations or state-owned subsidiaries with PLN, LEN, ANTAM, Bukit Asam, or the other mineral energy sector companies. Cooperation in a joint partnership will benefit both sides or more, especially with the increasingly promising market demand and development prospects that are supported by legal regulations and infrastructure development which is very supportive of carrying out this project. Thus, the supply of raw materials from the EVB manufacturing process will be carried out through a series of collaborations, like building an EVB production facility, EVB manufacturing facility, and increasing mass production according to Figure 2.
b. Enriching the Tender cooperation with startups engaged in renewable energy such as LEIN Power, Xurya Daya, and Baran Energy. With tender cooperation in long-term research projects, manufacturing plants, and the development of EVB. Pertamina has NRE (New and Renewable Energy) development which is a long-term mission as a form of responsive effort to meet the sustainable goals of 23% EBT main projects by 2025. By conducting a matrix analysis using CPM in Figure.3 as a fundamental company analysis, the authors suggest Pertamina build a tender with the three companies because it is considered to have great potential and capability in the effort to fulfill the tender alliance from EVB research and production.
a. Promoting Pertamina’s NRE Development program, especially in EV development through cooperation with several events or activities that have the potential to attract the EV market in Indonesia such as the National Electric Vehicle Jamboree, the Indonesian Electric Car Competition (KMLI), as well as quite a lot of user-based automotive exhibitions (example: Honda Motorshow & Toyota Motorshow) thus, this step will accelerate progress in attracting public enthusiasm to expand the target and market segmentation of infrastructure for electric vehicles that have the potential to be developed until 2024 (Ikhsan, 2020).
b. Incubating or making an incubation program under the name “RE-Energized Pertamina” with the aim of making ‘talent scouting’ efforts for ‘cockroach level’ energy startups but have potential in terms of business ideas and development. This Incubation Project can also attract public interest in the importance of renewable energy, especially in the EV sector. This incubation program aims to validate the business, advance perspectives on renewable solutions, and socialize Pertamina’s NRE Development program to medium-sized business players or investors who have the potential to collaborate in this program. So, the roadmap of EVB production and development in Pertamina should be written below in Figure 4. This roadmap is driven by market development and the technology development of the EVB. The fixed EVB must be transformed into a fit-on product (advance Li-air Battery) by combining the R&D in raw material and manufacturing process, and this one (the roadmap) was modified the previous roadmap of EVB Pertamina.
Additional Steps Towards EV Transition Acceleration
In addition to these four steps, the writer offers another step, namely increasing the number of SPKLU (Stasiun Pengisian Kendaraan Listrik Umum). Pertamina in this project collaborates with PLN, but the challenge in making SPKLU occurs if the number of EV uses is not commensurate with the SPKLU being built (the EV ecosystem is not balanced with the number of SPKLU), but it can be said that SPKLU is a new business field that has the potential to be developed. According to data taken from the “Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Development Roadmap 2020–2024” in Figure 5, the SPKLU development is targeted to increase rapidly in 2024 with the target of accumulated needs reaching 3,853 units and the annual requirement of 1,558 units.
In this case, the author believes that Pertamina must offer cooperation step by strengthening the partnership tender with PLN with the strategic development of SPKLUs at several gas stations which are believed to have high demand, aka crowded with visits. Some collaborations also need to be strengthened with government agencies as ambassadors in the use of EV, refer to the current regulation about Terms & Conditions Regarding OnG Tender. Especially with the regulations that underlie the construction of the SPKLU and data collection on the number of EV users as well as creating facilities and pleasure for the EV market community as seen below in Figure 6.
Now, Based on Figure 7. PLN have their own roadmap to develop the infrastructural aspect for the EV started in 2020 until 2025, separated into 4 parts of key activity to ensure that every step is right on the target, PLN set every one of the key actors has their own sub-development until 2025. The SPKLU development that we believe, should be faster than 5 years if PLN joint partnership with Pertamina to accelerate and minimize the period of the development process.
Program Timeline
Budgeting Plan
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